The following gives website activity for the corresponding year.

Stats gives all Website activity as determined by Awstats.
XLSX an Excel file listing all activity sorted by country, file then date.
PDFs gives all PDF downloads sorted by country, file then date. Some valuable data here!

Remember those "sonic attacks" which began in Cuba in late 2016?
Such attacks have come to be known as the Havana Syndrome.
In 2015 the Keely literature, keely.pdf and keelyx.pdf, was downloaded 2,173 times.
In 2016 add keelyh.pdf and you get 2,608 times. 2017, 2194 times.
The work done by Keely holds tremendous possibilities for good.
But, like any knowledge, it may be used to do evil!

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  PVJs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

Stats: Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Year  XLSX: Year  PDFs: Year

What follows will show you a little of what I saw when reviewing the numbers.

Here's Awstats definition of bandwidth:
"Total number of bytes for pages, images and files downloaded by web browsing."

Relative to the total United States bandwidth Google has had a significant impack.
It appears that Google, the corporate entity, has viewed and downloaded MUCH for it own personal use.
More than most countries! They're a major player in all of this.
Google, you're faced with a moral dilemma! What are you going to do?
With your resources and my approach, characteristics, dedication, we could be of significant help.

This does not include videos! Videos were not available until 2020.
304 code requests will not be included in the following so they will be, if anything, conservative numbers.

2015            2016            2017
United States: 50.11GB    United States: 74.62GB    United States: 107.93GB
India: 4.24GB         China: 11.67GB       China: 11.67GB (Yes, same as 2016)
France: 4.09GB       India: 4.91GB         Czech Republic: 5.25GB
Czech Republic: 3.75GB    Czech Republic: 4.76GB    India: 5.15GB
Philippines: 3.39GB      S. Africa: 3.65GB       Russia: 4.16GB
China: 2.96GB        Russia: 2.26GB        Japan: 2.17GB
Germany: 2.69GB      Canada: 2.15GB        Great Britain: 1.61GB
Russia: 2.07GB       Pakistan: 2.04GB       Canada: 1.57GB
Great Britain: 1.67GB     Germany: 1.91GB       France: 1.40GB
Canada: 1.55GB        Nigeria: 1.85GB       S. Korea: 1.37GB

2018            2019            2020
United States: 72.16GB    United States: 104.23GB    United States: 77.31GB
Russia: 6.24GB        India: 21.31GB        India: 21.24GB
Czech Republic: 3.46GB    Hong Kong: 6.01GB      Russia: 12.04GB
Hong Kong: 2.80GB      China: 5.98GB        Singapore: 5.34GB
France: 2.40GB        Russia: 3.88GB        Pakistan: 4.23GB
India: 1.74GB        France: 3.20GB       Kenya: 2.69GB
S. Korea: 1.40GB       Czech Republic: 3.10GB    Great Britain: 2.41GB
Great Britain: 1.03GB      Philippines: 3.09GB      Philippines: 2.39GB
Sweden: 850.40MB      Great Britain: 2.11GB      Indonesia: 2.35GB
Germany: 651.55MB     Australia: 1.81GB       Nigeria: 2.33GB

2021            2022            2023
United States: 28.59GB    United States: 44.41GB    United States: 25.62GB
Singapore: 28.39GB      Russia: 13.52GB        Russia: 19.66GB
Russia: 13.57GB        Great Britain: 5.83GB     Great Britain: 2.91
Czech Republic: 2.57GB    Australia: 4.68GB       Singapore: 1.68
India: 2.16GB         France: 3.52GB        Czech Repulic: 1.39GB
Germany: 1.59GB       Finland: 2.62GB        China: 1.00GB
France: 1.43GB        Canada: 2.15GB        India: 781MB
Great Britain: 1.24GB      Netherlands: 2.15GB     Germany: 775MB
Romania: 898MB       Singapore: 2.11GB      Netherlands: 696MB
Kenya: 815MB        Austria: 1.35GB       Bulgaria: 529MB

In Nov. 2021 the website was down from the 4th-23rd, 20 days. I believe this was intentional. Sent numerous emails to the service department. Always the same reply, we're working on it. I eventually collected the email addresses of all the top individuals within the company and collectively sent them an email explaining the situation, my frustration and disappointment. The next day the website was back up!!!

In Mar. 2022 the website was again down from the 2nd-9th, 8 days.

United States: 50.11+74.62+107.93+72.16+104.23+77.31+28.59+44.41+25.62=584.98GB
(Remember, much of this is due to Google!)
Russia: 2.07+2.26+4.16+6.24+3.88+12.04+13.57+13.52+19.66=77.4GB
India: 4.24+4.91+5.15+1.74+21.31+21.24+2.16+0+0.781=61.53GB
Singapore: 0+0+0+0+0+5.34+28.39+2.11+1.68=37.52GB
China: 2.96+11.67+11.67+0+5.98+0+0+0+1.00=33.28GB
Czech Republic: 3.75+4.76+5.25+3.46+3.10+0+2.57+0+1.39=24.28GB
(MANY 304 requests.)
Great Britain: 1.67+0+1.61+1.03+2.11+2.41+1.24+5.83+2.91=18.81GB
France: 4.09+0+1.40+2.40+3.20+0+1.43+3.52+0=16.04GB
Philippines: 3.39+0+0+0+3.09+2.39+0+0+0=8.87GB
(Pleased to see the interest.)
Germany: 2.69+1.91+0+0.652+0+0+1.59+0+0.775=7.62GB
Canada: 1.55+2.15+1.57+0+0+0+0+2.15+0=7.42GB
304 code requests will be included in the following.

You have the 3 major technologies developed by Rife, Moray and Keely.

keely(all) includes keely.pdf, keelyh.pdf and keelyx.pdf. H=highlighted, X=excerpts.
lemuria(all) includes lemuria.pdf and lemuriam.pdf. M=modified, added additional material.
moray(all) includes moray1.pdf, morayh.pdf, moray4h.pdf and moray4s.pdf.
 1=1st edition, H=4H=highlighted 4th edition text converted, 4S=scanned orginal 4th edition, 142MB.
atlantis(all) includes atlantis.pdf and atlantism.pdf. M=modified, added additional material.

Total downloads
2015            2016            2017
keely(all): 2412        keely(all): 2693        keely(all): 2261
lemuria(all): 1660       matter.pdf: 2036       rife.pdf: 1299
matter.pdf: 1198       rife.pdf: 1642        lemuria(all): 1276
bailey.pdf: 1081       lemuria(all): 1564       babbitt.pdf: 1136
rife.pdf: 1019        bailey.pdf: 1341       bailey.pdf: 1120
tngows.pdf: 926       tngows.pdf: 841       matter.pdf: 990
atlantis.pdf: 806       hughes.pdf: 787        ihs.pdf: 935
hughes.pdf: 642        loom.pdf: 775         hughes.pdf: 929
thsotot.pdf: 545        babbitt.pdf: 745        tngows.pdf: 923
preface-intro-proem.pdf: 536  thsotot.pdf: 743        pleasonton.pdf: 735

2018            2019            2020
keely(all): 1665        rife.pdf: 16751        rife.pdf: 14393
rife.pdf: 1221          matter.pdf: 9101       moray(all) 8596
lemuria(all): 1079       moray(all): 4473       matter.pdf: 8423
babbitt.pdf: 1059       bailey.pdf: 3919        bailey.pdf: 3797
bailey.pdf: 817        lemuria(all): 2654       lemuria(all): 3150
matter.pdf: 806        babbitt.pdf: 2370       atlantis(all): 1871
ihs.pdf: 784          keely(all): 1947        babbitt.pdf: 1759
tngows.pdf: 663       atlantis(all): 1303       keely(all): 1404
hughes.pdf: 626       ihs.pdf: 931         ihs.pdf: 709
oc.pdf: 548         hughes.pdf: 621        hughes.pdf: 500

2021            2022            2023
keely(all): 879         moray(all): 2229        moray(all): 512
lemuria(all): 712        ttv7n2.pdf: 1265         lemuria(all): 496
babbitt.pdf: 626        keely(all): 1256        babbitt.pdf: 465
giants.pdf: 413        rife.pdf: 1154         keely(all): 408
year2019.pdf: 406       world_life.pdf: 861       rife.pdf: 359
year2018.pdf: 400       rcr53.pdf: 783        giants.pdf: 302
matter.pdf: 396        tetad.pdf: 779          atlantis(all): 294
year2016.pdf: 333       babbitt.pdf: 447        bailey.pdf: 246
year2017.pdf: 322       lemuria(all): 368        matter.pdf: 154
sw.mkv: 302         year2017.pdf: 241       hughes.pdf: 140
Total page views
2015            2016            2017
books.htm: 38741       books.htm: 23638       books.htm: 19160
matter.htm: 3643        matter.htm: 2554       matter.htm: 2458
hill.jpg: 2963         hill.jpg: 2335        hill.jpg: 1529
chart5.jpg: 1011       afqs.htm: 799        hill.htm: 886
hill.htm: 895         hill.htm: 774         bailey.htm: 781
hs.htm: 827         anu2.jpg: 691        hs.htm: 744
bailey.htm: 804        bailey.htm: 656        evil.htm: 733
the7dimensions.htm: 756    anu.jpg: 650         the7dimensions.htm: 716
chela.htm: 727         chart5.jpg: 597        afqs.htm: 712
festivals.htm: 710       chela.htm: 588        chela.htm: 695

Books includes books.htm and /books/
Discoveries includes discoveries.htm and /discoveries/
Hierarchy includes bailey.htm and /hierarchy/
Matter includes matter.htm and /matter/
Searches includes searches.htm and /searches/

2018            2019            2020
Matter: 1655         Books: 4424         Hierarchy: 15499
Books: 1615         Matter: 3729         Discoveries: 6345
hill.htm: 453         Hierarchy: 2676       Books: 4683
hs.htm: 413          Discoveries: 1558       Matter: 2090
evil.htm: 285         hs.htm: 767          donate.htm: 1401
hill.jpg: 264          charts.htm: 611        /hill/: 657
the7dimensions.htm: 259    view.htm: 595         /sirius/: 651
electron.htm: 248       stages.htm: 591        about.htm: 636
anu2.jpg: 247        festivals.htm: 512       Searches: 588

2021            2022            2023
/hierarchy/: 5510        /hierarchy/: 3916       /hierarchy/: 4346
/matter/: 1468        /matter/: 2439         /matter/: 2713
/books/: 1123         /sirius/: 1378        /discoveries/: 1967
/discoveries/: 806       /discoveries/: 1286       /sirius/: 1935
/charts/: 753          /books/: 1019         russia.htm: 1077
/sirius/: 670         /charts/: 461         /books/: 951
/searches/: 545         about.htm: 456        about.htm: 419
about.htm: 525         chart5.jpg: 440       /charts/: 400
/hill/: 497           /hill/: 403          /hill/: 389

You've downloaded the knowledge, taken a serious look at the data. If the above Havana Syndrome is any indication you've attempted to weaponize the knowledge but you've made NO attempt to help your people or planet!!! You've made NO attempt to Globalize it for humanitarian, and planetary, benefit. You've kept it to yourselves, been selfish. These technologies could change everything but it's sitting in room serving NO useful, global/humanitarian, purpose. Your selfishness, your competition, your jealousies, your arrogance, are keeping this tech from those who need it the most, OUR PEOPLE!!! The Hierarchy webpage has been, is being, read often yet YOU'RE NOT hearing His words. The theme of Brotherhood, global responsibility, underlies everything. Yet you see only YOUR national interests, YOUR ambitions, YOUR need for power, YOUR air of superiority. Ugh, you're limited in what you can see because of the barriers which this self-righteousness has built around you. None of you are innocent. You hear the whispers, the rumors, about some tech which this or that company is working on. It's probably under the supervision of a countries military, or being developed for them, instead of being overseen by the United Nations. YES, the United Nations folks or some international body which would have the authority, the maturity, to oversee such things. This is NOT some fantasy! This IS the way it should be.
"Can you hear what I'm saying?" Supertramp, Fool's Overture. A long song, 10:51 minutes.
Best to listen to it alone or with someone who understands.

A significant amount of attention has been given to the Rife and Moray documents yet I see NO healing clinics based on the Rife tech. I see NO power units/stations being built based on the what Moray accomplished. Have the medical and energy industries won the day? Bought, bribed or blackmailed there way to stifling this tech. They need to be bypassed folks, ignore them, or has your selfishness and greed become so extreme that it is now beyond your ability to do this. You're thoroughly immersed in the corruption and can seeing only your own self interests. You're lost in material existence. It's people like you who are doing great harm. Yet, you don't give a damn!

On a different issue. I've reached out to literally 10s of 1000s of scientists around the globe. You're the ones who will develop the technology. The responses I've received can be counted on one hand! This has caused few problems. I have no interest in responding to emails all day. With a few exceptions everything you need can be found on the website. BUT, I find such few responses odd considering how many people I've contacted. Are you all this timid, inflexible, not willing to consider other possibilities, not willing to relinquish your intellectual throne, don't know how to incorporate Occultism, the Occult Sciences, into your world OR is someone interfering with your responses, my ability to receive them. Does Occultism pose a threat to any group, institution, agency or corporation?