Here’s the Preface to World Life. I have not read this book:
THE reader will find in the
following pages a thoughtful view of the processes of world formation,
world growth and world decadence. I have gathered together here many of the
important facts observed in the constitution and course of nature, and have
endeavored to weave them into a system by the connecting threads of
scientific inference. I have aimed to incorporate the soundest and latest
views published on the various branches of the subject; and have yet felt
constrained, in so wide a field, and so unexplored in some of its nooks, to
interpose my own conclusions in some cases where, perhaps, due diffidence
should have restrained my pen. Inevitably the whole discussion is conducted
from the standpoint of nebular cosmogony. This, as will be seen, has shaped
the views presented on the accumulation of the materials for world formation,
on the evolutions of nebulae, stars and planets, on the all-important
influence of tidal action in cosmic history, and on the grand cycle of cosmic
existence. Appropriately the treatment ends with a historical sketch of the
progress of opinion toward the lofty and inspiring generalization which the
work attempts to set forth.
The motives which have prompted to the preparation of the work are four-fold.
1. I felt desirous that the general reader should be able to find within reach
some simple, yet complete and connected, account of the development of the
world and the system of material things to which we belong. Many of the
grandest conceptions of modern science fall within this range. Many of the
marked advances of modern investigation have contributed to the enlargement
of our view in this field. Yet there is no work in the English language, if,
indeed, in any language, bringing into one connected course of discussion all
the questions properly incident to the activities of world life. Different
persons have ably investigated different branches of the general theme, as
the reader will learn in the sequel, but no one has brought together and put
in the form of popular statement the chief results of so diversified a range
of researches. Many thousands of intelligent listeners have testified their
appreciation of the expositions offered during fifteen years past from the
popular platform: but these expositions have been necessarily descriptive and
superficial, while many questions and many difficulties raised by the hearer
had to be left unanswered. Here the speaker sits down to a sober talk with
those who wish to listen further. I hope, therefore, the present work will
find a welcome among the multitudes who have caught mere glimpses of the
great doctrine, as well as the large class of readers in general who require
something more substantial than our popular, fictitious tales of society.
2. I desired to offer the reader a portrayal of the grand system of the universe,
and leave him with a profound impression of the omnipresence and supremacy of
One Intelligence. The unity and interdependence of all parts of the cosmic
mechanism, from nebula to river delta; the universality of nature's forces,
and the uniformity of nature's modes of activity, all the way down from the galaxy
to the little cascade in the glen, are facts of such stupendous and
impressive significance as to stir the imagination and arouse the most torpid
soul. This wonderful concatenation of things when once glimpsed by the timid
doubter, must force a conviction of the continuity of material existence; and
whoever has gained that conviction, and will faithfully question his own
consciousness, will soon be convinced that that which is interpreted, and can
only be interpreted, in terms of mechanism, cannot be self-originated,
however remote its origin; nor self-acting, however vast its extent or
incomprehensible its activities.
3. I desired to induct the earnest student of nature, young or old, into the
vestibule of celestial mechanics, and leave him with an inspiration which
should carry him on to the pursuit of the higher methods of physical
investigation. 1 have hoped, also, to show him that the fields of truth are
not fenced off from each other and limited by the narrow definitions of the
sciences. The fences are all down, and it is all one domain. The geologist
tries to work out the constitution and life history of our planet. For the
study of its accessible parts he needs to use the appliances and results of
the whole round of the sciences. To its interior he cannot penetrate; but he
finds the planet journeying on a course of change which leads directly from a
state of high primitive incandescence; and, lifting his eyes, he beholds the
incandescent state as a common incident in the vicissitudes of worlds. He
cannot transport himself across the intervals of geologic aeons, but he can
gaze upon other worlds just entering upon states passed millions of years ago
by our earth; or states, even, which will be reached by our planet some
millions of years in the future. I have attempted to take the reader over the
system of evidences from which he may thus reason in laying the foundations of
a science which, from one point of view, may be styled the geology of the
stars; and, from another, the astronomy of the earth. It is the science of
Comparative Geology. It is Astrogeology. It yields to no science in the
fruitfulness and fascination of its conceptions.
4. It has been a part of my purpose, also, to clear up the most serious
difficulties encountered by belief in the nebular origin of our planetary
system. At the present day the objections heard do not proceed to any
considerable extent from proper representatives of scientific opinion, but
from intelligent persons who fear that the interests of religious faith are
jeopardized by the acceptance of any form of evolution. Some of these have
honored me by very special attentions. They have challenged me to
controversy, and their abettors have sometimes jeered me over my assumed
inability to rise from the pile of ruins which has been made of me and my
theory. I need not disguise the satisfaction which I feel in the arrival of
the convenient time when these gentle gladiators shall discover them selves
battering their blades against a wall.
While the fundamental conception underlying the course of reasoning here pursued is
that of nebular evolution; and while the general method of the evolution
conforms to the celebrated hypothesis of Laplace, it would be an error to
conceive the present work an attempt to establish the "hypothesis of
Laplace." In the first place, the general principles of nebular
cosmogony were the growth of a century and a half; and the ideas contributed
by Kant and Sir William Herschel were certainly not less guiding and
determinative than the services of the Marquis de Laplace. In the next place,
the development of the doctrine has continued ever since the Systeme du
Monde was published. Since the invention of the spectroscope, the nebular
cosmogony has undergone important modifications. A number of the ablest
investigators of the present generation have given their best efforts toward
putting the general doctrine in a consistent shape. Nor can it be correctly
said that the general theory remains still in the status of a hypothesis. In
certain points of detail, opinion may still remain divided; but when a
hypothesis has stood the scrutiny of three generations, and has become all but
unanimously accepted by those prepared to form original opinions, as the real
expression of a method in nature, surely, then, the time has passed when any
person can advantageously illustrate his learning and sagacity by continuing
to reproach the conception as "a mere hypothesis." If any
"mere hypothesis" ever strengthened into the condition of a
scientific doctrine, assuredly we find in the scientific world to-day the
general features of a sound nebular doctrine.
In style and treatment the present work possesses a double character. The
general reader may confine himself to the body of the discussion, unterrified
by the nature of the foot notes, and find a simple, continuous treatment of
the theme which, I hope, will satisfy his expectations. But if any one
desires to know by what means some of the statements of the text have been
established, he will find frequently in the foot notes the indications of
simple mathematical operations, which may yield him some additional
gratification. And if he feel prompted to pursue still further any branch of
the inquiry, the accompanying references to the literature of the subject
will enable him to follow the masters of science into their most recondite
investigations. Thus, for one class, the book is suited to be read rapidly
and laid aside: for another class it is a text book which may be studied.
The general conception of world life here set forth has occupied the author's
thoughts for many years; and by writing and by popular lectures, as well as
before university classes, he has endeavored to disseminate truthful and
inspiring estimates of the method of the world's growth. He has stood for the
defence of nebular theory when it had few friends, and when its enemies were
prompted as much by sentiment as by good reason. The great idea was
fascinating; its magnificence took possession of the imagination, and its
symmetry and coherence commanded rational conviction. It now commands the
admiration and championship of the scientific world.
I feel that it is entirely improbable that all errors of statement have been
avoided through all the details of the discussion. The intelligent reader
will discover many points where 1 have had to cut loose from the moorings of
high authority and venture among the breakers of independent speculation. It
is only justice to myself, also, to state that all the main positions of the
work were taken and reduced to writing more than two years ago. Many of those
which at the time were new, or seemed to be new, were presented in public
lectures as early as 1878 and 1879. Since these dates many advances in
observation and in theory have been made, and not a few along those very
lines which I had worked out. Since my first enunciations. Nordenskjold,
Tissandier and the British Association have done much to establish the
doctrine of disseminated cosmical dust; Sir. W. Siemens has published his
speculations on the sources of the sun's heat; M. Faye has investigated the
geology of the moon; Mr. (now Professor) G. H. Darwin has published his
beautiful analytical investigations of the evolution of a rotating viscous
spheroid: and Rev. O. Fisher has collected in a handsome volume his
researches on the physics of the earth's crust. If there remain any thoughts
or suggestions which may fairly be ascribed to the author of this work, the
scientific render will find it out; and I have only to hope that they may be
found adequately supported by evidence; and, finally, that the whole
discussion may afford the reader a degree of pleasure equal to that
experienced by the writer in bringing the discussion to its present shape.
University of Michigan, September, 1883.
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I have reluctantly come to accept that the scientific communtiy has a difficult time with
anything that has just a whisper of the Occult associated with it, PUBLICLY anyways! When I send an email to a group, on whatever topic,
there's invariably increased website activity, and downloads, so privately there's interest.
I've gone out of my way to give you options to make communications private and secure. Questions must
arise when reviewing what is contained on this site yet nothing is asked. Is this due to arrogance or
fear of reprisal, ridicule, should it get out?
Most of the quotes I've posted come from the Bailey books,
see Hierarchy.
That webpage is the most read page on the site yet no questions as to who this group is!
The Tibetan presents Himself, Themselves, well yet it's impossible for questions not to exist!
Nothing will get accomplished without Trust! Trust is something which must be developed
over time yet a beginning must be made, a starting point established.
I'm aware of how delicate an interaction with an Occultist, I also have a BS in Physics, could be.
Until the scientific communtiy is willing to explore and develop a more intelligent, intellectual, grasp
as to what this fundamental, and ancient, doctrine is care will have to be taken in all interactions.
You must give it a chance to prove itself otherwise your timidness will be depriving yourselves, and humanity,
of valuable knowledge and tools! Begin to lay this foundation of Trust by proving that we orbit
Sirius AND/OR that all
Volcanos have a common, fundamental, tone
which will be found within all of their unique resonant signatures. Both should be pretty straight forward to prove yet they have
the potential to open a significant door.