Numerous documents will be found below. Existence has a Hierarchical structure. We first and foremost need to understand that we are part of something larger. That we have a part to play within, and responsibilities towards, this Hierarchy, our planet and ourselves (humanity). |
Be careful!!!
If you browse the web for info on anything related to Theosophy or Occultism be very careful as to who/what you
pay attention to. I spent years looking in a number of places before I found
something that was sufficiently detailed and made sense. TRUTH can
stand on its own. It will be intuitively recognized! Also, what is the
caliber of the individual presenting the material? What kind of impression do
they leave you with? How broad is their understanding? Do they appear to have
an agenda, wish to mislead? Is the material intended to appeal to your
emotions or your mind? You MUST be careful here! The web is a wonderous place
but it’s full of holes one can easily fall into becoming lost or distracted
for a period of time. Read the material for yourself then decide.
Have faith in your intuition AND in your Soul. Both will never mislead you.
The above was given to the world prior to WWII.
A record 65.6 million people are either refugees, asylum seekers or internally displaced across the globe, the UN refugee agency said.
"The world seems to have become unable to make peace," Mr Grandi said. "So you will see old conflicts that continue to linger, and new
conflicts erupting, and both produce displacement… forced displacement is a symbol for wars that never end.", Jun 19, 2017.
This is more people than live in the UK (2015). Shameful situation! We can do better than this. |
An informative book, 44 pages, 2 maps. Lemuria preceded Atlantis.
Discusses the physical origins of our humanity, and the great apes, as well as other relevant subjects.
Another informative book. 71 pages, 4 maps.
Traces the physical changes which the continent went through as well as
the history of the Atlantean Root Race and its 7 sub-races, the Rmoahal,
Tlavatli, Toltec, First Turanian, Original Semite, Akkadian and Mongolian.
Atlantis. Here's the oldest map. The Pyramids and Stonehenge This document is referred to on the bottom of page 38 in the above book. Discusses the origins of both structures, 28 pages. TPAS. Also see Stonehenge. The Giants of the Lemurian and Atlantean Root-Races. Did a search through the two main Blavatsky books and all of the Bailey books for the word "giant". Found nothing in the Bailey books, found a great deal in Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. They're further down. Giants. Particle Physics
Discusses the Anu, the smallest particle of physical
matter, and Koilon, the fundamental particle underlying all the 7 types of substance.
Examines many of the common elements found within the periodic
table and adds a few new ones, OC 48MB.
Contains 400 pages with 230 illustrations. The book by Stephen Phillips, ESP of QUARKS and
SUPERSTRINGS nicely discusses OC from a theoretical physicists point of view. The Principles of Light and Colour by Edwin D. Babbitt, 1878
Chapter 3 is where the Anu is discussed. The reader will not receive an
explanation of how he may have gotten this image until chapter 10. To a
large degree he expands upon the work done by Pleasonton though he doesn’t
restrict himself to just blue and white light. He also delves into the higher
octaves of light and discusses the work done by Reichenbach
(see towards the bottom of the right column)
and others. I believe this book contains much which is of value IF you know what to take from it. Many images
will be found within which explains the size of the file.
Babbitt, 14.6MB. Radiant Matter by William Crookes, 1879
A lecture delivered before the British Association for the advancement of Science, at Sheffield, Friday,
August 22, 1879. "He (Faraday)
first points out that matter may be classed into four states—solid, liquid, gaseous, and radiant." Genesis of the Elements by William Crookes, 1887 A lecture delivered at the Royal Institution on February 18, 1887. GOTE On Elements and Meta-Elementss by William Crookes, 1888 An address to the Chemical Society on March 28th, 1888. OEAME Monadology by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Leibniz began work on Monadology in the summer of 1714, while on an extended visit to Vienna. Monadology.
Planetary Science “Connected in evolution with Neptune there are in fact two other planets physically belonging to our system that have not yet fallen a prey to telescopic research. One of them may ultimately be discovered by ordinary means (Pluto was discovered in 1930), the outermost lies far beyond the range of physical instruments, for not merely is its distance something appalling to the imagination, but the light it would throw back to us by reflection from the sun is exceedingly feeble. Viewed from Neptune itself the sun would appear a mere speck in the sky compared with the glowing disc we have to deal with, but the two outer planets are at distances from the centre of the system which continue to observe what is called in astronomy "Bode's law." Thus without having yet discovered either of them we know that the radius of the orbit in which the outermost of all is moving is something over 10,000 million miles (Pluto is 3,670 million miles)." See page 273. TSTWWB The Constitution of the Earth by A.P. Sinnett, 1903
Discusses the internal structure of our planet.
TCOTE. The Chemistry of the Sun by J. Norman Lockyer, 1887, TCOTS
Man: Whence, How and Whither
Our planet is part of a planetary scheme.
This scheme consists of 7 chains with each chain containing 7 globes
each within one of the 5 lower realms.
A planetary LIFE will manifest 7 times through each chain, 7 rounds.
Each round produces seven Root-Races with each producing seven subraces
then each 7 branch races. Our Planetary Logos is currently in its 4th chain, 4th round.
Our planet is the 4th globe with the 6th sub-race of the 5th Root-Race, the Aryan,
taking shape in N. America. A discussion of the 3rd and 4th Root-Races may be found in
and Atlantis. Resonance
Without question the thoughts, ideas and concepts presented
will produce some wonderfully useful, or highly dangerous,
technologies someday. Remember those "sonic attacks" which started back in 2016? See
Havana Syndrome.
Harmonies of Tones and Colours Developed by Evolution This file contains the complete book. Included are the Supplement and the 12 color plates. Shows the relationship between sound and color. Was of help to Keely in his research. I wish to thank the University of Pennsylvania, Sceti Library, for the copies of the color plates. There are few locations in North America which have this book and fewer who were willing to supply the images at a responsible cost, Hughes. |
Philosophy/Occult Sciences A short document, 15 pages, discusses the underlying organization behind the efforts to reawaken humanity to the fundamental tenets of existence, Hierarchy.
The New Group of World Servers
An important document, 56 pages, discusses the formation of an international group composed of individuals
pulled from the cultural, political, scientific, religious, philosophical, psychological and financial fields.
TNGOWS. Reasons for the Present World Unrest , 10 pages. RFTPWU
Avatâras I have mixed feelings about this book, issues of anthropomorphism in some areas, though the brunt of it is worth hearing out. It presents the Hindu perspective on Avatars. It also delves into a few other areas which Christians may find interesting. Avataras.
Initiation, Human and Solar
"It laid the foundation of all the succeeding books."
Letters on Occult Meditation
"These indicated a somewhat new approach to meditation, based not on devotion to the Masters but
on a recognition of the soul in each person."
The Consciousness Of The Atom
"You will remember that last week I endeavoured, in a broad and general way, to
point out to you that there were three lines of approach to the study of the
material universe. There is the line which considers only the materialistic
aspect, and is occupied only with that which can be seen, which is tangible,
and which can be proven. A second line is that of supernaturalism, which
recognises not so much the material side of things as that which is called
divine; it deals with the life side, and with the spirit aspect, viewing that
Life as a power extraneous to the solar system and to man, and positing that
power as a great creative Agent, Who creates and guides the objective
universe and yet is outside of it. These two lines of thought can be seen
upheld by the frankly materialistic scientist, the orthodox Christian, and the deist of every faith.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (footnotes)
If you have read this book you’re aware of the many footnotes to be found
within. Most refer to the Secret Doctrine, 3rd Ed., by Helena Blavatsky but there are
others pulled from a wide variety of sources, 30 in all. This file contains
the full page, from the original book, from which each of these quotes originated. There is additional
information found on these pages which adds to the understanding of the quote
as well as to what the Tibetan is discussing in the book, Cosmic Fire, itself.
Unto itself this file would make for an interesting read. A wide variety of topics are covered,
From A Treatise on Cosmic Fire You may find these few pages interesting. They by no means cover the topic in a thorough manner but they do lay a foundation. The Nature Of Magic
What follows are taken from the book,
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 1957 (see the Hierarchy document above).
It contains a series of articles released between March
1934 and October 1949, the war years plus a few. Much of what will be
found still applies today. Many of the same foolish attitudes still exist.
It nicely explains the fundamentals, what is required of us, all of
humanity, to bring about Peace On Earth and Good Will Toward Men!
Clairvoyance This book discusses a few of the abilities found within our physical (etheric), emotional and mental equipment. Many of you have experienced some of these phenomena at some point during your life. This book will help you to understand what took place. If more information is required I recommend the Bailey books. See the Hierarchy document above, Clairvoyance.
The Astral (Emotional) Plane: A discussion of the 6th plane, type of substance, where our emotional natures are found. The title pretty much describes what the book contains. Sheds quite abit of light on a number of issues: ghosts, nature-spirits, elementals, artificials, The Deva as well as etheric currents and pressure, sympathetic vibrations and levitation, The Astral Plane.
The Devachanic (Mental) Plane: A discussion of the 5th plane, type of substance, where our mentalities are to be found. Discusses the heaven-world. Begins to shed some light on the nature of Soul. The Bailey books go into more detail on this. See Hierarchy document above. For those of you whose hearts runneth over with compassion when you look at what's going on in the world YET your perspective is primarily a mental one this book will shed some light on a few things. It will help you to determine where you stand if you don't already know this! The Devachanic Plane. The Dweller on the Threshold and The 3rd Initiation
“Memory in the sense here involved is not simply just a faculty of the mind, as is so oft supposed, but it is
essentially a creative power. It is basically an aspect of thought
and––coupled with imagination––is a creative agent because thoughts are
things, as well you know. From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply
rooted past which is definitely recalled, and from the racial and the
individual subconscious (or founded and established thought reservoirs and
desires, inherited and inherent) there emerges from individual past lives and
experience that which is the sumtotal of all instinctual tendencies, of all
inherited glamours and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes; to these (as
they constitute a blended whole) we give the name of the Dweller on the
Threshold. This Dweller is the sumtotal of all the personality
characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued and which must
be finally overcome before (the 3rd) initiation can be
taken. Each life sees some progress made; some personality defects
straightened out and some real advance effected. But the unconquered residue
and the ancient liabilities are numerous and excessively potent and––when
soul contact is adequately established––there eventuates a life wherein the
highly developed and powerful personality becomes, in itself, the Dweller on
the Threshold. Then the Angel (the Soul)
of the Presence (Spirit/Monad) and the Dweller stand face to face and
something must then be done. Eventually, the light of the personal self fades
out and wanes in the blaze of glory which emanates from the Angel. Then the
greater glory obliterates the lesser. This is, however, only possible when
the personality (you currently immersed in personality but increasingly sensing
you are something more) eagerly enters
into this relation with the Angel, recognizes itself as the Dweller and––as a
disciple––begins the battle between the pairs of opposites and enters into
the tests of Scorpio. These tests and trials
are ever self-initiated; the disciple puts himself into the positive or
conditioning environment wherein the trials and the discipline are
unavoidable and inevitable. When the mind has reached a relatively
high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious
manner and then every latent predisposition, every racial and national
instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to
the surface of consciousness and then––the fight is on.”
The Dweller,
3rd InitiationM
Renewable Energy
Moray devised a means whereby he could
tap into a naturally occurring High Frequency (HF) pulse and from this pulse generate usable electricity. “In later R.E.
(Radiant Energy) devices a HF (high frequency) brush discharged of 18 inches in length was sustained and 50 KW of energy obtained.”
Resonance: Medical uses
An important book Ladies and Gentlemen!!!
Congressional hearings would be appropriate. Excerpts: Rife.
Video: The Royal Rife Story, 2.2 hours.
Video2: Rife Tragedy. 17.3 minutes,
considering its length very informative!
The Influence of the Blue Ray of the sunlight and of the Blue Colour of the Sky, in Developing Animal and Vegetable Life;
in Arresting Disease, and in Restoring Health in Acute and Chronic Disorders to Human and Domestic Animals
I question his explanations but most definitely some interesting observations.
Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization
Just as there are multiple octaves
within the audio range of vibrations there are multiple octaves within the
visual range. Some individuals have the ability to see these other octaves.
There appears to be a common radiance which radiates from both magnets and
crystals. A book worthy of attention!
Paul Gilding, author of The Great Disruption, is
an advocate and adviser to nongovernmental organizations and businesses and
the former chief executive of Greenpeace. He spoke at the TED2012 conference.
TED is a nonprofit dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading" which it makes available through talks posted on its
In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon
four essential human freedoms.
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Isis Unveiled
by Helena Blavatsky, 6th Ed., OCRd,
Isis1, 3.6MB.
the appearance of Theosophical literature in England, it has become customary to call
its teachings “Esoteric Buddhism.” And, having become a habit—as an old
proverb based on daily experience has it—“Error runs down an inclined plane,
while Truth has to laboriously climb its way up hill.”
Contact info
I have reluctantly come to accept that the scientific communtiy has a difficult time with
anything that has just a whisper of the Occult associated with it, PUBLICLY anyways! When I send an email to a group, on whatever topic,
there's invariably increased website activity, and downloads, so privately there's interest.
I've gone out of my way to give you options to make communications private and secure. Questions must
arise when reviewing what is contained on this site yet nothing is asked. Is this due to arrogance or
fear of reprisal, ridicule, should it get out? |